The Soul We Must Become
By LaShanda Lawrence
Inspired by the life of LaShanda Lawrence and the words of Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, and Amanda Gorman
On Sunday mornings, I rise
With echoes of books and lessons past,
Each word a step toward the light,
Each page a promise to carry forward.
I am the weaver of stories,
A teacher of hearts and minds,
Guiding young voices to write their truths,
To think with clarity and courage,
To see the world, not just as it is,
But as it could become.
Coretta's call stirs in my soul -
Women, we are the keepers of hope,
The tenders of dreams yet to bloom.
The soul of the nation rests in our hands,
And with courage, we must extend them.
Where will I extend my hand?
To every child whose voice trembles,
Who fears their story is too small.
To the dreamers, the builders, the quiet thinkers,
The hands-on learners, the abstract explorers-
I will lift them,
Show them the beauty in their ways,
The power in their thoughts,
The worth of their unique styles of learning.
Where do I see light?
In the spark of a student's eye,
When they dare to question,
When they see themselves in a tale of heroes,
And know they, too, can rise.
In the moments when understanding dawns,
And a student learns not just to solve,
But to create, to connect, to inspire.
What do I carry forward?
The art of inclusion,
The belief that every path is valid,
The relentless drive to meet each learner
Where they stand,
And walk with them toward their potential.
I carry forward the joy of inspiration-
To kindle a love of learning in others,
To remind them that within every struggle,
Lies the strength to soar.
I am the soul of the classroom,
The sanctuary of ideas and dreams,
Planting seeds in young minds
That will one day save a nation—
Or build a new one.
Women, Coretta whispers,
We are the light,
The hand,
The soul.
And so, I step forward,
Becoming the story
That saves us all.
